Base32 Addresses
In Conflux, every account is associated with a pair of public and private keys, and is identified by an address. This page is about how address is presented and computed in core space.
In Conflux, every account is associated with a pair of public and private keys, and is identified by an address. This page is about how address is presented and computed in core space.
Conflux has a virtual machine that is similar to the EVM. However, there are still some considerable differences between Conflux and Ethereum. Conflux uses a different transaction format and a different rule for generating addresses from public keys. These differences often make it hard to port EVM compatible dApps to Conflux. Replacing CIP-72 and CIP-80, CIP-90 introduces a transaction execution environment called the Conflux eSpace. eSpace achieves full EVM compatibility without changing the existing accounts and transactions.
Detail explain of CrossSpaceCall contract
Mapped addresses in cross-space operations