cfx Namespace
The core JSON-RPC API of Conflux.
The core JSON-RPC API of Conflux.
Make NFTS using Conflux Scaffold
Oracles provide a bridge for off-chain data sources to be accessible within the blockchain, essential for smart contracts.
The `pos` namespace includes RPCs related to PoS consensus.
Deploying an ERC-20 Token using Remix IDE
Learn how to Use Pyth Oracle on Conflux eSpace to Retrieve CFX Price
Learn how to leverage Scaffold-Eth 2 components to make your Conflux App
Through trace RPCs we can know the transaction executive details. To use these RPC Conflux archive node need set two additional config:
txpool related RPCs which can enable developer get more info about transaction pool. Which was introduced from conflux-rust v1.1.6.